How we can help

Welcome to our compassionate community, where we stand by your side as you navigate the challenging journey of losing a loved one to cancer. Our purpose is to offer you a space for your grief, to connect you with others who have experienced similar losses, and to provide the information and assistance you require, precisely when you need it. We recognise that grief support is not a one-size-fits-all type of thing, hence our provision of a wide range of support services. Click the button below to learn more about the support we offer.

Help with emotions

Unfamiliarity with the complex nature of grief can often contribute to additional distress and self-judgment about how we may be struggling to cope. While initial support may be abundant in the immediate aftermath of a loved one’s passing, we frequently observe a decline in support shortly after the funeral. This is when grief kicks in, often accompanied by loneliness and a whole host of other scary thoughts and feelings. Although grief is a deeply personal journey, there are shared experiences that often manifest in cancer bereavement. Click the button below to gain insights into these common experiences and learn more.

Grief Resources

Explore our range of relaxation exercises and free grief worksheets as a way of making time for your grief and working on new self-care strategies. When we bottle up grief, the pressure builds in the pipes and eventually we burst. That could manifest as sleeplessness, irritability, relationship difficulties. Give yourself the time for grief outlets. Click the button below to explore our grief resources.

Other ways we can help

Discover our carefully curated book recommendations for those experiencing grief. Find solace, understanding, and guidance in a diverse selection that offers valuable perspectives. Click below to explore our list for those in the midst of grieving.

Click on the image to access our calendar with all upcoming grief support events. Immerse yourself in a variety of offerings, from supportive group sessions and engaging workshops to therapeutic walk-and-talk events taking place across the country.

You are very welcome to attend any of our support events that suit your needs, but we recognise that more support is always welcome. Click the image above to learn about the various support services we signpost towards.