The Loss Foundation is the only UK charity dedicated solely to providing bereavement support following the death of a loved one to cancer, whether that be your spouse, family member, friend or colleague.

We provide a variety of support events to help you at any point following your loss, and we create the opportunities for you to meet others who have experienced something similar.

We also educate and empower others to support those who are grieving via our workshops and training. Watch our video to hear from those who have used our services.

Explore our online support groups, a dedicated space where you can freely share your stories and experiences with individuals who have encountered a similar type of loss. Facilitated by trained professionals, our groups operate in a warm and accessible manner, ensuring a comfortable environment for all participants. We understand that navigating grief is an unpredictable journey, and our aim is to provide you with a non-judgmental space for support and connection. Allow yourself the time and space to be with grief in a setting that fosters understanding and compassion.

Grief Resources

Worksheets | Books | Meditation Audio

Worksheets for grieving individuals & mental health professionals. Recommended reads offering insightful perspectives on life, loss, and individual journeys through grief. Mindfulness and meditation tracks for a busy or overwhelmed mind.