About us

The Loss Foundation is a UK national cancer bereavement charity. We are dedicated to providing bereavement support to adults who have had a loved one die from cancer.

Discover the profound impact of our support through the heartfelt testimonials of beneficiaries in this touching video.

Grief can be an isolating experience, and the power of conversation is invaluable. We believe in creating spaces where discussions around death are not taboo and providing a supportive community of individuals who have faced similar challenges.

We provide a variety of support events to help people at any point during their loss to cancer, providing them with the chance to connect with others who share similar experiences. Our charity offers a variety of free grief support events, in-person and online. All our services are tailored to address the expressed needs of our users. This includes various support events such as Support Groups, Walk & Talks, Therapy Groups, a grief buddy service (Connect), Grief Workshops, Retreats, and more.

We also provide a wealth of Grief Resources to help individuals navigate the complexities of grief and self-care in times of loss.

This includes our recommended Books for Grief, Meditation and Mindfulness Audio and Worksheets (available on a ‘Donate What You Can’ basis) for Grief Processing, Restorative Sleep and Managing Anxiety.

“The Loss Foundation is a port in a storm and I am so thankful to have discovered it. I have been literally mad with grief and from everything that has happened since my loss. Having access to this support has helped greatly.
